60 minute massage at regular price
3 - 60 minutes massages at 10% off
6 - 60 minute massages at 20% off
There is a different way to bundle similar or related items that can increase your individual sales. Here is an example of one bundle I created special for December last year:
Book a 90 minute massage and get a complimentary Candy Cane Foot Scrub added to your appointment.
Here is one that many clients look forward to in May:
The Royal Treatment includes a 60 minute Signature Massage, a paraffin hand dip, a 4 oz. sugar scrub to take home, and a $10 gift card to use on a future visit.
Since the bundles I created for December and May were limited offers, my clients knew they had to book theirs right away or they would miss out on a good deal. This creates an urgency and fills up any gaps in your schedule pretty quickly.
Not only can you bundle your services, but you can bundle retail items together as well. I teach infant massage classes. Most of the time, someone comes for a class it is because someone gave it to them as a gift. I sell Infant Massage Books, baby massage oil, and handmade baby blankets. I put together a basket with all of the items with the gift certificate and wrap it up for my customer. I don't discount it, but having done all the work of putting it together for them is enough to get them to purchase all the items together instead of just the gift certificate alone. It saves my customer time, and it increases my sales.
This was a holiday bundle in which I used small Christmas stockings to hold the bottle of baby massage oil and the gift certificates together with a handmade baby blanket. |
Do you bundle items or services together in your practice? I would love to hear your ideas. Comment below, or in the Massage Marketing Toolbox facebook group.