Monday, September 1, 2014

Create A Simple Marketing Calendar

It's almost the end of the year, not really, it is just the end of summer, but you should already be focusing your efforts on next year's marketing.  I do this by creating a simple marketing calendar with ideas for each month.  At the end of each month go back to your calendar to make notes on what worked, what could be tweaked a bit to make it work better, and what didn't work at all so when you are looking to do the next year's marketing, you will have a head start.  Many times during the month we find inspiration for a promotion for next year, but when that time comes around we have forgotten it.  Easy fix to that dilemma is to add it to your marketing calendar.  I will give you an example of how one month would look and I'd love for you to create an entire year's worth of ideas. 

You can use any format that makes sense for you either using a spreadsheet or a word document.  Things to include are any monthly marketing activities, special holidays, and special promotions.  Below is an example for the month of October.

October – National Massage Therapy Awareness Week (19-24), Halloween (31)
Post and update wellness tips to facebook and twitter.
Update website with Halloween/National Massage Therapy Awareness Week promotion.
Write at least 2 articles for blog.
Send out monthly e-newsletter.
Donate at least 2 gift certificates to local fundraisers for charities that match our brand.
Create article for publication next month focusing on Hands for Heroes/working with military especially Veterans Submit to paper by October 15.
Mail out client birthday cards for November birthdays.  Send out on October 27.
Create newspaper ad for 'The Rose' for December gift certificate sales push ($50).  Needs to be ready by the first week of November.

Go ahead and put every month into a document and start adding important items to it for your marketing.  This calendar only works if you take the time to review it each month so you know what you need to do for what you planned.  This is not something you create, and then file away somewhere.  You need to keep it visible and use it consistently to keep your monthly marketing on track.  It is not set in stone however, and edits can be made throughout the year.  Do you want a  FREE Monthly Marketing template?  Head on over to the facebook group to download it.

Let me know what you've come up with.  I'd love to see your marketing calendar working for you.

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